David J. Rose

By djrose007

Child Slave Labour

It's good to have grandchildren. When they come to us we'll always find them jobs to do. Poor twins get it in the neck all the time as they live with us!
We had Buddy with us the past two days, he was off school, so we set him to work. Apart from doing his homework we were in the garden today. What a glorious day, 19 deg C, although it's going to cool down to around 12/14 over the coming next few days.
Lots of tidying to do, our 'Beirut' tree (Loquat) sheda it's leaves like they are going out of fashion so there was lots of stuff to pick up. Buddy loved the 'Big Yellow Hands' so showed him how to use them. He was a natural.
While, after dinner, the girls clean out the crumbs from the kitchen chairs and put them up onto the table and the worktops so that we can switch on the robovac thingy.
Yes, it's good to have grandchildren, as long as they do what they are told of course.

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