Misty Morning
This viewpoint was looking very different today! Usually there's blue sea visible!
We spent date morning doing 24-7 banking stuff, joy. But we did go sit and enjoy this view with a coffee.
Home to go through the latest donations for our friends on the streets. Danny went to see one of the guys and took him a few nice bits and bobs.
He went off to collect Nate from school whilst I cooked lunch. At 1,58 I got a call from Danny saying the car had broken down on the roundabout!! The gear box had gone. So he had to wait for a tow truck whilst I marched to school and collected Nate, half an hour late!! Eek!
Gemma was round for dinner tonight... Plus planning summer teaching things for team.
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny being safe despite the car failing in a tricky place. We'll see what the mechanic has to say when he looks at it.
2) Asha helping with tidying and cleaning this afternoon. She also went to get a few small chocs for the teacher who stayed late with Nate.
3) Good conversation and planning with Gemma and Danny.
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