Fabulous Friends
I collected washing from one of the guys who lives on the street. He'd got a puppy with him, tucked into the hood of his top (extra)! Then about 9,30 these 3 came over for coffee, chat, laughing and praying. I've been so wanting and needing friends like these!!
Gemma stayed for lunch before heading home. I took Nate to his Friday activity and bumped into someone on the walk home, so stopped for a coffee with him. He lives in sheltered accommodation and has some big mental health struggles. He's got such a huge and kind heart. It's always lovely when we're able to have a bit of time.
Today I'm grateful for;
1) These women. L-R, Nathalie, Gemma, me, Alanna.
2) Walnut sponge cake.
3) Friday. The kids are so ready for a weekend.
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