
By Wildwood

Canada Goose

It rained in the night but was a lovely, if cold, morning and Spring Lake seemed the perfect place to head with Spike on the first day of spring.
It's kind of unusual to seem Canada Geese in the water. They are now returning from wherever they go in winter and are all over Spring Lake. This one was happily trolling the shallow shores of the lake for whatever they like to eat down there, upending himself to reach it. Of course the moment I got out the camera, it stopped and just floated placidly along the shoreline. I still liked all the patterns in the water.

We dropped Spike off at home and, armed with measurements, went to look at washers and dryers. We went to the place we know, which seemed better than a big box store or a place we didn't know, although it does have a reputation for carrying higher end, more expensive appliances. 

The saga of this washer just gets more and more convoluted. Or at least more expensive. We decided if we were going to replace the washer we might as well replace the dryer, which hasn't been working well for a long time and occasioned the work we just had done to switch the vent and the machines.  It turns out that the only models that haven't increased their height by 2 inches are two European compact brands which are not only smaller but cost almost three times as much. One dryer has heat pump technology and is ventless. The other has a standard vent. We brought home all the information and started checking other places.  Alas, the guy was right. These seem to be the only two and they DO cost much more.

We've decided to sleep on it and let him know tomorrow. 

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