
By Wildwood

Mixed Bouquet

John has a very lovable way of going off to do errands and coming home with bouquets of flowers. This time he came home with for Dana who did our laundry for us and one for me just because....

The saga of the washer and dryer may have come to an end. We texted our friend David, the contractor who arrived at eight o'clock this morning. We asked if he could raise the counter top above the washer and dryer a few inches, but not too high or it would no longer be useful. We discussed replacing it with something else vs just lifting the sort of ugly but serviceable cast concrete one that is there. I said I wanted to spend as little money as possible on it and he agreed that he could lift it and come back after they install new machines and put it back in the correct place. We did stray off into the question of a laundry sink which I have always wanted...mission creep again, so I stood firm and said let's just keep it simple.

We went to coffee and there ensued a lively conversation about what kind of washers and dryers everybody has, and my observation that it was ironic that we live in a perfect climate for drying things outside, yet most of us don't, while many of my British friends seem determined to hang clothes outside to dry despite the less than cooperative climate. Gail is British and grew up on a dairy farm in the peak district. She said her mother once asked her father why he always chose the day she had hung the wash out to spread manure!

 After coffee we headed back to TeeVax (someone there once told us why it is called that, but I have since forgotten the reason) and told the fellow we talked to yesterday that we just didn't feel right about paying a lot more money for a smaller washer and dryer. We wound up with a good old American brand, for half the price, and they will be delivered next week. We wound up chatting with the salesman about the current political situation and he said he was worried about the world his children would be inheriting. Usually in situations like that,  talk about politics is studiously avoided, but I think he must be pretty good at sizing people up and knew we were on the same side.

I  keep reminding myself  of how many good people there are in our life. In fact I was still reminding myself of that when my hairdresser texted me saying I had missed my haircut appointment and she just wanted to make sure we were all right. We rescheduled for Monday. Maybe I'll take her some flowers....

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