Persistence and Mutability
On This Day In History
1678: Reward offered for identity of pamphlet author
Quote Of The Day
"It is almost inconceivable how Princes can yet suffer a Power so pernicious, and Doctrine so destructive to all Government. That so great a part of the Land should be alienated and condemned to, as they call it, Pious Uses. That such millions of their People as the Clergy, should, by remaining unmarryed, either frustrate humane nature if they live chastly, or, if otherwise, adulterate it."
(Andrew Marvell, An Account for the Growth of Popery, and Arbitrary Government in England, 1677)
Obviously, Marvell's pamphlet shook the Catholic Church to its very foundations and changed the institution forever.
It's 16:30 on the day which it is predicted that the Earth will diverge along two distinct timelines, one headed towards fear and chaos, the other headed towards peace, love and enlightenment. The Pleidians tell us this. Well, nothing too momentous has happened yet, but there have been a few of peculiar events.
Yesterday, I went to cinema to watch a fantastic film, Presence. I highly recommend it if you like spooky ghost stories. Before going in I went to a restaurant where I ate a delicious garlic spaghetti with a honey baguette. Heading home, the train was quite packed. I stood in front of a young lady who was seated wearing extremely bright, multi-coloured clothes and a gypsy-type scarf on her head covered in bronze bangles. On her skirt she wore three large badges, one with Woody, one with Buzz Lightyear and one with Slinky Dog. Further down the train, out of sight among the standing passengers, a baby began crying loudly. The multi-coloured lady began whispering to herself, something which looked lilke a chant, and then the baby began laughing. The young lady stopped whispering, and then smiled to herself. Yes, it all sounds very Neil Gaiman, I know, but it happened.
After a bath, I went to bed at about 22:45. At 00:20, I woke up feeling nauseous. My wife and daughter were still awake in the living room. I staggered to the meal table and then collapsed onto my chair, my head in my hands feeling very dizzy and nauseous. I checked my temperature; no fever. I then stood up make my way to the washroom because I felt as if I might throw up. I never made it because I collapsed onto the floor. V later said she was worried because I was shaking as if I were having a seizure. K rushed to get a bowl for me to throw up in which, thankfully, I didn't need. I did come very close to passing out, though. It was very much like the bonk which I experienced after running the Gold Coast Marathon a few years ago.
Being tee-total I don't know what it feels like to be drunk, but I imagine it is something like the way I felt for several minutes, talking in a disjointed and uninhibited way. I joked about my condition being a result of the timeline separation, but that lead to me being more serious about my true belief that the veil between the "real world" and the spirit world becoming thinner is indeed real. How profoundly the experience of the bottle leaping from a shelf during my sister-in-law's shijukunichi ceremony affected me, and how I now believe my wife's opinion that her sister did not commit suicide but was, instead, possessed by an evil spirit that caused her to walk to a river in the middle of the night and throw herself in. Previously, I had attributed he action to mental illness, but always respected my wife's right to her opinion. Also, I talked of why I had felt it was so important for me to return to England to spread my brother's ashes on Portsdown Hill after he also committed suicide so that he could be with my mother since we had spread her ashes there also. We talk about people "fighting their demons"; I believe that in many cases this is quite literally true.
Anyway, after that I went back to bed and slept soundly. I went for a walk along the Shukogawa this morning, but I still feel a bit light-headed and drowsy so I've spent the afternoon napping and reading. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
I checked on Google and confirmed that my symptoms were caused by the meal I ate at the restaurant. Garlic can cause nausea, light-headedness, vomiting, diarrhea, belching and flatulence. Thankfully I was spared the diarrhea because my wife quickly provided me with stomach settling medicine, but I had all the other symptoms. I think I was particularly badly affected by it because I have been eating extremely healthy food for several months in order to lose weight, so all that oily garlic sauce was a huge shock to my stomach. It is still unsettled now, twenty-two hours later.
What a day!
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