Many of us are publicly or privately reflecting on the covid-19 pandemic five years on from the first lockdown. I know I've been thinking a lot about it. I read an article yesterday that described the lasting increase in neighbourliness which blossomed five years ago. One of very few benefits of the pandemic.
My blip is an example of the local neighbourly contact which started five years ago and continues. Yesterday a message was posted on the local WhatsApp group asking if anyone had a tick remover. Well of course we do (several) - looking at you Flora. I left the smallest one out in the doorstep for the neighbour (whom I don't know) to collect and de-tick her cat. And this is how it was returned. The tick has gone and I have a treat to enjoy (other chocolate and online messaging platforms are available) along with a thank you note. It really wasn't necessary and I was happy to help. But wasn't it kind?
Before the pandemic we didn't have a way to communicate easily with so many neighbours. Now we have the WhatsApp group, established five years ago and still going strong with a reach of 250+ people. It's expertly moderated (a must) and really is hugely helpful. I imagine many neighbourhoods are in the same fortunate position. Of course I realise that this is some people's idea of hell but you aren't compelled to be a member.
We're off to Glasgow soon to help with our grandson while his mum and dad are busy. I'm looking forward to taking him out in his wheelchair to enjoy the last of the recent warm weather.
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