
By BikerBabe

Yay, timber back in stock!

Morning began with an appointment to keep first thing. Back home for a cuppa I tentatively checked on yesterday's timber problem and found the store had replenished it's stock of what was required. 

Youngest came along for the ride and back home after much measuring, cutting & routing, she helped paint a coat of primer on the two pieces. Later I popped a coat of gloss on the edges & one side of each and that's as far as things got. It was nice to get a message from Bestie to say she had finished early for once & had booked Friday off for a well earn't breather.

In the post came the new gaskets for Biscuit and the roof vent ordered's that for efficient?!

Eldest texted me from Manchester en-route for her train home to say she had witnessed the aftermath of some violence in the city centre and had heard someone mention that someone had been stabbed. Feeling helpless she rang the police and shortly after heard sirens so I hope everything was okay :-/

We had a takeaway for tea...lazy but I felt like fish n' chips....and also lazy because half an hour afterwards I expired on the settee.

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