Moving goalposts
I was back in the orifice today to assist with the delivery of some refresher training.
It seemed to go pretty well with a couple of decent questions from the floor. There was a slight moment where I needed to explain that when I said Stephen was transitioning, I meant between teams. Not that he had made a major lifestyle choice.
In between the two sessions, I took my closest work colleague out for lunch. It is something I have been meaning to do for ages as a thank you to her for listening to my gripes, grumbles, romantical missteps and her advice and good counsel as she watches me weaving and stumbling through life like a drunk at the end of a good night out spilling his kebab every where. Although to be fair, I should probably take anyone reading this blip out for a delicious cheeseburger lunch too, as you guys have also witnessed my waffling on and offered some great advice over the years……damnit, this is going to get expensive! How’s Tuesday for you?!
Once home it was a busy evening of getting some tea down the wee ones early doors and then heading to the other side of town for m’boy’s football training session and then needing to get back home again in time for me to make my session. Unfortunately, on another lovely evening the coach had let training run over and the decided it was the perfect night to give a lengthy rousing Churchillian speech in advance of the game at the weekend!!
Somehow though, it all came together and before very much longer my head was once more ‘pon mine pillow.
This is the youngest taking a time out having just made a match winning save.
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