How do you eat yours?
I slept terribly last night. When I did eventually come-to, the bags under my eyes felt like they could have carried the weekly shop.
I was glad of a brew with Debs, but felt the need to apologise as I felt like an absolute zombie. Returning home after, I squeezed in a quick nap, which seemed to help. I was then on with my boss’s boss, for a meeting I had called to discuss some ideas for the future, the business in general and my place within it. There seemed to be some common ground there, so I’m hopeful that we’ll get together in the coming weeks for some more meaningful discussions.
Felt quite pleased for having stuck my head above the parapet and returned to the safety of the trench with my cranium intact. It’s not something I tend to do in the work environment!
Lovely evening followed with a bit of time with the parents and checking out their new motor (a VW ID3 - very cool), before collecting a Chinese takeaway and watching a pedestrian England grind out a win over a recalcitrant Albania.
Fortunately the Severance Season 2 finale was far more engaging!
Happy weekend all!
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