The second half of life..

By twigs

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T [finally] had her op overnight.  Great to get then news this morning that things had gone well and she was in a specialist cardiac ward for recovery.  Lots of positive signs - fingers crossed the op gives her the energy she's lacked to be able to regain some independence and mobility at home.

Enjoying having a few wee fantails around, including at least one black one.  If only I could get some nice shots of them.  Actually.........if only I could get and half-decent shots of them.  They're proving to be a lot more skittish and shy this year for some reason. 

Zero wood stacking done but I did do some shopping for J plus lovely fresh vege shopping and I popped in to school to return something that I was surprised to find I [still!] had!!  Great opportunity to have a catch up with one or two people.

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