
By Marionb

For the Birds...

It's a full time job keeping the feeders full these days...and as I can now see the bottom of the seed barrel, it was time to take a wee drive down the 401 to my favourite feed store

I now have a huge bag of sunflower seeds in the car ( extra), but now the problem is getting it out and pouring the seeds into the barrel; that means I either call a neighbour who can lift such things, or resort to my emergency strategy of a bucket brigade,  by moi, only moi, from the car to the shed. 

As my neighbour Mark spent time here yesterday installing my new smoke detectors and solving the problem of a kitchen light fixture that defied opening to change the light bulb....I don't feel comfortable asking him to return again today.  It looks more like the bucket brigade will be the answer? 

But that's OK..anything for the birds; they bring my garden to life and offer many blip-ops :))

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