
By Marionb

Birds and Blooms

What a great day! Sunshine, no snow and above zero temps! What more could one ask for? 

Believe it or not, the sun was too hot to sit in the sun - my body has not yet acclimatized to sunshine!  So, I puttered...emptied the winter urns of dead greenery, picked up some winter debris, and explored the gardens for anything green sprouting...and found some! AHA! Crocus! And also some snowdrops looking their best. (extra) 

Encouraged that spring is nigh, I dragged out the deck chairs  from the storage shed and sat in one watching the birds... taking photos outside not through windows!  What a treat. 

And then I called Shawn, my gardener neighbour and confirmed that yes, he is ready to take care of my garden again this year...Whew! One never knows what ill can befall during a long winter; I am so glad he weathered it well.

To protect my sanity, I am still trying to limit my exposure to CNN and scary newscasts. Instead, I am trying to  put more time into enjoying what is around me and now, ridiculously accessible..  like my own back yard!  

On the other hand, I am also trying to get out and about bought tickets for the Maple Syrup Festival this weekend and arranged coffee with a friend I have not seen much of lately. It's a start....Sunshine, warm weather and dry roads make that much easier to do! 

Here's to SPRING!

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