Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Sparkling in the Spring sunshine

I’ve been at the Hexham Photo Group all day. We had a discussion about the future of the group this morning, then we looked at the work that people had brought along.

The discussion all afternoon was very deep. Peter brought photos he had used at his wife, Norma’s, funeral two weeks ago. They were from her whole life.

These were discussed with great respect.

There were two new guys who are mature students on a photography degree course in Teesside. One brought a project he has been doing on the A66 and talked about developing it. The other had started to work in a care home. He made beautiful portraits of the residents and staff. Then he had started to listen as they told him about their lives. This had a big emotional impact on him.

Henry had images using a technique to reproduce an old photographic technique.

Ian had beautiful images of the stream by his house. They looked like paintings.

I had my images from a farm sale. We had a long discussion about whether to use mono or colour for this sort of work. What will people think when they look back on the images in 50 years time?

I like mono for my documentary work, but I may need to rethink it.

Brian is doing a project photographing rubbish, mainly with brand names on it.

Some people had to go early so we did not see their work. Some brought books to discuss. There was just too much material for one day.

I did enjoy all the discussion but I’m exhausted and plan an early night!

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