The Female and Male of the Species
I finished the decking after another morning working on it today. I'm quite chuffed at my achievement, though my body is still recovering from the effort. I was in some discomfort after each day's work mostly spent bending over or on hands and knees. I do support the saying 'use it or lose it' so I shouldn't complain.
As for the birds in the garden, they will be glad I've finished as well as the decking is right next to the feeders. This afternoon they were making up for lost time with plenty of visits from many different species. I did like this image of a female chaffinch, with the male in the background. It shows the muted plumage of the female in comparison to the male. From doing some research the males are more colourful to attract a mate, but it also helps the female blend in with her surroundings while incubating eggs on the nest.
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