Summer has Arrived
We're still both suffering with colds that seem to change symptoms as they progress. it's now more than a week since we first noticed sore throats. I now have a hacking cough which kept me awake as I tried to get to sleep.
We were out for part of the day, first visiting a property that has unexpectedly come back on to the market, which belongs to a friend's mother. It is absolutely lovely and meets many of our wants, but despite that we're finding everything that is currently going on is holding us back from committing.
We moved on to Lorna's Mom's house to collect together old photographs for the upcoming funeral and celebration of her life. We then spent more than 6 hours going through two large boxes of prints and scanning the selected images onto a computer so we could create a slideshow. It meant I didn't go to bed until well after midnight and then sleep did not come easily.
Our only relaxations was a quick walk around the park where we saw this family, who obviously thought that summer was just around the corner. I do remember catching the BBC local magazine programme presenter, Nick Owen commenting that it is less than two weeks to the start of the cricket season. Knowing our weather it will probably snow.
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