We finally got back to the Farmers' Market today where I took this picture of a little girl sharing a moment, and perhaps a bite, with her mother. What really caught my eye was the tutu, matching sneakers and sweatshirt combo. I lusted after a tutu when I was her age but they weren't as readily available then as they are now. We did have family friends who had two daughters who were very active in tap dancing classes and recitals, and had a closet full of costumes. I loved going there and playing dress up, and thought I had died and gone to heaven when I was allowed to take one costume home with me.
I have always loved dressing up, at least until recently when there really has been nothing to dress for. I missed my chance at the opening of the Green center.A friend once told me I should have married a diplomat so I could have a closet full of gowns and a chance to wear them. But I married an engineer and the last time I wore a gown was at my wedding!
We got together with our 'social group', the ones we have coffee with on Friday morning, for lunch at Gail and Bob's house. They live in a big old brown shingle house in the trees. Dan and Tobi brought some mini stuffed peppers and a delicious smoked salmon spread with a selection of what I can only call 'retro' crackers...Triscuits, Wheat Thins and Ritz crackers. I don't know how much these will mean to non-American followers, but they were quite a trip down memory lane for us. And they are good!
Bob made artichoke quiches whish were delicious. I made a spinach and cabbage salad with thinly sliced red onion and walnuts, which occasioned quite a discussion about what 'brought it home' as Bob put it. I think it's the vaguely Asian flavors of the dressing but Bob thought it was the walnuts. Gail made a truly decadent gluten free chocolate zucchini cake with whipped cream and raspberries. All quite a change from lunch at home which is usually either leftovers or whatever I can scrounge up.
Conversation was lively and I must say this is the only group that can discuss politics with without getting depressed or angry or anya of the other things that tend to happen when the name of that poisonous man and his pathetic groupies comes up.
And now we have just gotten a Face Time call from our dear friends from India via Berkeley and currently Madison Wisconsin.
Quite a whirlwind for us!
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