Petasites hybridus
I took Flora for a long (12km) walk this morning. I wanted to get some runner bean seeds so I set off for the garden centre. It's not a particularly attractive or peaceful walk but I wanted to see the butterbur which grows by the river en route. Here it is. A strange plant! Also spotted:
Pied Wagtail
Song Thrush
- so not a barren walk.
It was also quite a warm walk. So much so that I had to nip into a changing room and remove a layer before I set off home.
The extra is the lemon cheesecake I've made for this afternoon. We are going to a ceilidh to celebrate Naw-Rúz, the Baháʼí New Year. We have local friends who are members of the Baháʼí community and they have booked the lawn bowls clubhouse for the party. It's a family event and I'd hoped that my grandchildren would able to be here. However the girls still aren't right after their week off school with a virus and the car journey would be terribly uncomfortable for my grandson. I'd imagined birling round on the dance floor with him in his wheelchair but that can wait for another occasion.
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