Lesser Celandine
Ficaria verna
The celandines are out now. They're good for pollinators and look great in the wild but I'm less keen on them in the garden where they can easily take over. This one, and a good few of its cousins, is in the garden though. After flowering I'll dig some up. I'll never get them all and I wouldn't really want to. Just don't want a thick mat of them.
This morning I set off for an early train to Glasgow. I had my backpack and my flask of tea. I felt like a commuter again. I was at my grandson's house before he was up and was able to take over for a couple of hours.
We did some home learning - reading, tricky words and counting in 10s. Easy peasy for him, especially the numbers. He can recognise all the tricky words too.
We did a bit of craft - making windmills. This is just about my level of crafting so we were both happy with the results.
I'm home now and it's a beautiful sunny afternoon. No wonder the celandines are opening. So much is growing in the garden now.
Yoga later then an early night for me.
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