TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Still chaos...

I keep trying to blip but life is really getting in the way: -

Wednesday started well, Chris came to do some fencing work at my dad's and build a bannister.  I went to take the rubbish to the tip for him and while I was out I had a call - A was being moved to a nursing home to finish her recovery (at this point she hadn't been told!)
An hour later someone else called to say she was on her way.
At 11pm the nursing home phoned to say there had been a huge blood loss and she was on her way back to hospital.

Thursday basically I was sitting by my phone waiting for an update - 3pm the consultant phoned to say A needed emergency surgery and as NHS next of kin I had to say yes (no pressure there than).

Friday I took Kassie for her regular groom then rush to my dad's to get the paramedics out.  We found out he'd had two diabetic hypos in the night which obviously had affected him badly. While this was happening Kassie was abandoned with Jess the groomer.
I then went in to see A - she had had a massive ulcer treated and needed 4 pints of blood.
More surgery is needed but a recuperation period is needed first.
Saturday I did mum's shopping and sorted papers at Anne's house and tried to relax (the paramedic told me I had to).
Today my shopping so Kassie doesn't starve, check on parents (dad has had blood tests mum has had physio) and a visit to A who was in need of a Costa Coffee.

Now sitting still again!!!

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