Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Yes, today I went back for another pop at the firecrest.  Actually there are a pair, preparing for a family.  I read that the female does all the nest building, so this must be the female I guess.  Like long-tailed tits they use lichen, moss, spider silk, hair and feathers. etc.  They - I should say she - builds it up in three layers.  I also read that they are an incredibly rare bird in the UK with only 550 known breeding pairs.  That will be 551 then  ;)))

Seriously I didn't realise they were that unusual.  I have seen them periodically in the reserve for at least 3 years and have blipped them on infrequent occasions.  However, I've never known them where I've seen them over the last two days - right by the Nuns' Stream and only a few hundred metres from my house!

So that was thrill of the day, and for the rest I've cleaned out the fridge, washed dog blankets, read and generally had rather a nice day!

Hope yours was good too.  Take care  xx

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