A Better Ending
Some have asked about our BIL. The doc thinks he pulled muscles in his back. He is supposed to rest it for a while. That’s better news than we expected. My sister gave me the update when she texted about a fire in our state park near them. It had already burned several acres; many of the local fire departments were trying to put it out. The cause has not been reported yet. Soccer and lacrosse seasons are in full swing. We could potentially go to games four days out of seven for weeks. Will try not to bore you that often. This is the best display of how we spent our day. Brooklyn’s team were red hot today. Their defense kept the ball on their end of the field most of the game, giving the offense loads of opportunities to score. Brooklyn stopped every attempt from the other team, resulting in a 4-0 win for us. I missed getting a photo of her two best catches. Her poor knee and hip have the evidence to prove their worth though. We shopped for the semi-annual food/essentials drive for a group of nuns our parish supports. Some of the young women are from our parish and survive solely on donations. They are doing great things for folks in the DC area. We finished our leftovers for lunch. I’m making chops for dinner. Otherwise, it’s been a very relaxing day. Wishing you the same. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “If you're a goalkeeper, it doesn't matter what you save the ball with - if you keep it out, it's not a goal - Mark Lawrenson
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