Mrs P

By mrspuke

Nonna’s Bench

My mum loved sitting on this bench next to the river. I always feel a pang when I pass it.
My morning was much busier than I’d expected. I was on the phone to Brittany Ferries for ages trying to resolve problems with our booking (mid April). Thankfully it’s all sorted now. After getting a washing out and having an early lunch, I walked up to the Hydro for a gym session and a swim. I had to motivate myself to go, but as ever, felt better for it. Unfortunately Mr P arrived back from his walking weekend rather the worse for wear. He’s got several blisters and is in pain and hobbling.
I went to St Joseph’s for a Lenten Talk on CBT from our parish priest this evening. Father Tony was a psychotherapist before he became a priest and he specialised in REBT (Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy). It was a fascinating talk. Two more Lenten sessions to go.

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