A very special Spring day
I have no idea how I packed so much into today and yet I am sitting, with my feet up and sipping (swigging) white wine before 10pm!
The day started with my B12 jab in Hexham. The practice nurse is getting to know me. She enquired about my asthma and checked my ears for wax. I do like this practice a lot.
I shopped at Aldi and Tesco. I wasn’t sure why I had to go to Tesco but then saw tonic water in Aldi and remembered. There was gin on offer too…..
I went to see Maureen. It was a lovely day so I took her out in her wheelchair to The Beaumont for a coffee. They were quick to put down the ramp for us and looked after us well, great coffee too.
I pushed Maureen around The Sele (a park) and it is then that you realise how poor the paths are. At least her wheelchair is better balanced than Margret’s and she is somewhat lighter!
Home for lunch, breaking my fast for the day. Put away the food quickly and set out for Wark (rhymes with Park not Walk!)
I’m leading a wildflower and photography walk there in May and I like to get ahead of the game. I allowed myself to agree to teach people how to use mobile phones for flower photography. I must be mad.
I did not take my “proper” camera and really missed it. However, needs must.
The most amazing thing was that the River North Tyne was low and I could cross to Gold Island. There are a few snowdrops left. The lesser celandine is peeping through.
I saw a large area of yellow and assumed it was the celandines, but it was the best coltsfoot I’ve seen for years.
I have a particular affinity for coltsfoot, because it reminds me of my dear walking friend, Mike Bell. Once he knew that I looked for coltsfoot in March, he showed me every yellow flower all year and called them coltsfoot. He knew it wound me up. Happy memories.
The image was taken using the portrait feature on my iPhone. I will be back with a close up lens as soon as I can!
Nearly forgot to say that the 2 panels I presented went down well at the Tynedale Photo Group, especially the farm sale ones.
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