The grey squirrel
Not a bad morning, some blue sky with a few clouds took a drive to the small park in the city centre where you are guaranteed to find a few of these little creatures The eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), also known, particularly outside of the United States, as simply the grey squirrel, is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus. It is native to eastern North America, where it is the most prodigious and ecologically essential natural forest regenerator. Widely introduced to certain places around the world, the eastern gray squirrel in Europe, in particular, is regarded as an invasive species.
In Europe, Sciurus carolinensis is included since 2016 in the list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern (the Union list).This implies that this species cannot be imported, bred, transported, commercialized, or intentionally released into the environment in the whole of the European Union.
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