
By Stuart46

Grape hyacinths

One of the many bunches of grape hyacinths  growing in our garden, didn’t buy any though it’s seeds the birds have dropped when flying over the house.
Muscari armeniacum is a species of flowering plant in the squill subfamilyScilloideae of the asparagus familyAsparagaceae (formerly the lilies, Liliaceae). It is a bulbous perennial with basal, simple leaves and short flowering stems. It is one of a number of species and genera known as grape hyacinth, in this case Armenian grape hyacinth or garden grape-hyacinth. The flowers are purple, blue (with a white fringe), white (cv. 'Album') or pale pink (cv. 'Pink Sunrise') and the plants are usually 15 centimetres (6 in) tall. M. armeniacum blooms in mid-Spring (April or May in the Northern Hemisphere) for 3–4 weeks. Some selections are fragrant. Established bulbs leaf in the autumn. M. armeniacum is widespread in the woods and meadows of the Eastern Mediterranean, from Greece and Turkey to the Caucasus, including Armenia which gives it its name

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