
By cracker


Today Spence had his Athletics carnival at school. It's just for Prep to Year Three and has modified events. First up was the 100 meter sprint! That's a long way for a 5 year old! They did it in the year the kids were born so Spence was running against 7 other boys from his class. He did really well and got fourth so got a participation ribbon! It was so cute, he was looking out for Kaz and I as he was running!

They then did javelin (with foam javelins), discus (plastic), shot put and long jump. There were no places in the field events, just looking at participation and technique. Spence did really well at long jump. Each class had 20 minutes at each event then changed. 20 minutes was a long time!! The kids got bored after about 10!

I walked home with Leo and Joti in the pram and they both slept from 12.30 until 2 which was great! I walked back to school with the kids just before three to pick up Spence and give Leo to his dad!

We didn't have soccer training tonight so Tracey and the kids came over for a play and chinese take away after school. Kaz left to go to the renovation house about 1 and is staying there the night and hoping to have finished by tomorrow afternoon! Then we will all go over there Sunday so we can see the finished product!

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