
By cracker

Taking The Plunge!

We had a really lovely weekend, the weather was beautiful and we made the most of it!

Saturday Spence had a soccer tournament in the morning (they lost one and won two games), then we came home after lunch and had a rest because in the night Spence and I went to the school musical - Suessical the Musical! It was all about Dr Suess characters and it was fantastic! We went with Fleur, Teddy and Harry and we all had a great time. Kaz stayed home with Joti which was great, I loved it!

Sunday Kaz and Spence left early to go to the renovation house with a list of jobs to do. Spence has been so excited to help Kaz out! Joti and I went over later in the morning after picking up Benita and her kids. The house looks amazing! Kaz got it staged by hiring a company to bring their furniture into the house and it looks great! It goes on the market tomorrow! Kaz has to go back tomorrow to finish a few things off then that's it!!

Today the four of us walked to school and dropped off Spence then I went for a run while Joti slept. I jumped in the pool when I got back but it was freezing so I quickly got out again!!

Joti and I walked to the supermarket after lunch then we walked to school to pick up Spence! Big day! It was just lovely weather today!

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