Home Improvement - going monochrome
Last week a team put the scaffold up in front of this house and this morning they applied strong smelling paint stripper to remove the pink paint on the render. I took this picture after work on my way to walk the dog and while there was a faint hint of pink left it had mostly gone. The strong smell of stripper remained.
The following day they jet washed the wall, and the day after that they painted it mostly white. I don't know if they are going to apply a colour on top of the white or leave it in white.
The all is north facing, so whatever they do will probably go green on its own anyway...
Today's blip has some perspective corrected and then was washed through the Ilford Delta 100 filter, which seems to have done a good job with it. Lots of films with house or home in them, but Home Improvement makes sense
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