Special Delivery
I had a lovely morning today. Colin has gone up to Banchory for the final clear up before the completion of the sale of his mum's flat. Katy came round to pick me up mid morning and we went to Dobbies in Dunfermline for a browse and some lunch.
We didn't manage to buy much. The first sweet peas were in, but they were all dwarf varieties. I prefer the larger versions, and I don't think the weather is quite warm enough to plant these out yet.
When I got back I headed to Ravelston. I'd been invited to fill in at a bridge club, they were one player short. It was another very friendly group of people and a very pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.
When I got back home, Ali and the little girls were here. I got a lovely welcome from Josie and a happy smile from Bonnie who is taking her first steps. We saw 7 steps today in the playpen. She has very good balance and can crouch down and stand up without holding on very successfully.
Just after they left, at around 5.30, which is very late, the postman delivered my passport. It's very smart but I'd rather still have a red one! I filled in the online form and posted my old one back on Friday last week, so that's 5 days. Pretty impressive. I've tried to remove all identifying numbers etc from the blip, if I've missed any then please do let me know. The photo isn't too bad and no doubt by 2035 I'll think it's very glamorous!
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