Happy with that!
Still catching up with blips ...
In thrilling news I bought a new third-party dough hook for my KitchenAid. The supplied one is a C-shape, whereas this one is a spiral. I know this wouldn't be thrilling to most people but the difference is remarkable. With the original, the dough keeps climbing up the hook and not getting kneaded, so you have to stop and scrape it down repeatedly. This one produced a ball of dough almost instantly. I'm sure it's not the sole factor in these two successful loaves, but I was very pleased, and proceeded to go viral on the French sourdough group on Facebook. They are very strict and demanding on there.
Gym this evening was somewhat less strenuous than usual, to put it mildly. We organised a surprise birthday party for our youngest member, 30-year-old Suzanne. There was actual champagne (not blanquette!), presents, and lots of food, both savoury and sweet. We all got very merry, and in the course of our merriment learned the vital information that Aline is our shortest member, and I'm the oldest by three months. I need to go on a diet now.
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