
By tridral


Tafluniad ~ Projection

“All we see in the world is a projection from our own minds. I may see one thing, you another; and according to the test of a third party we are both wrong, for he sees something else. So we are all wrong, yet all are right.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer

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Mae Nor'dzin wedi bod yn ymarfer ei chyflwyniad hi am Nepal a Bhutan i'r Sefydliad y Merched. Rydyn ni wedi prynu taflunydd newydd ac mae'n gweithio yn dda iawn. Gobeithiwn y bydd gan Ferched y Sefydliad ddiddordeb mewn pwnc y cyflwyniad. Mae gan Nor'dzin lawer o ffotograffau diddorol. Os oes diddordeb gyda chi (ac rydych chi'n fenyw) bydd Nor'dzin yn rhoi'r cyflwyniad ym mis Ebrill.

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Nor'dzin has been rehearsing her presentation about Nepal and Bhutan to the Women's Institute. We have bought a new projector and it works very well. We hope that the Women of the Foundation will be interested in the subject of the presentation. Nor'dzin has many interesting photographs. If you are interested (and you are a woman) Nor'dzin will give the presentation in April.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : : Amlygiad dwbl o Nor'dzin a'i chyflwyniad hi am Nepal a Bhutan.

Description (English) : Double exposure of Nor'dzin and her presentation about Nepal and Bhutan.

འགྲེལ་བཤད།(བོད་ཡིག) : པར་རིས་། (par ris) picture, photograph

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