Sir Charles
A slow day for photography so I pressed Charlie into service. I always try to spend some extra time with him when Jax is at day care and I think he enjoyed the play time today. He's slowing down a little but still likes a good game of "shoelace". I was dragging the shoelace with one hand while holding the camera with the other, an all-round awkward affair - next time I need to enlist Hubs to help. Still, I am quite happy with this shot with his little pink tongue out.
I had lunch with a friend today which was great fun. Also exchanged some messages with Hilly, Mary and Shila regarding our trip to Brazil in July. I know it is early days, but it's fun to share the excitement as well as practical things like vaccine recommendations, laundry logistics, etc. And of course, the discussion of lenses will be ongoing...
I'm really looking forward to the dog event this weekend and just hoping my hands hold out for two full days of shooting! I have looked at the list of registrants for the two days and happy to see some returning favorites as well as some new dogs, including a Dogue de Bordeaux, a breed I've never seen in person before.
Tomorrow morning I'm off for a walk with my birder friends which should be fun although it will be quite chilly when we start out.
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