"Hey Donald quack wuman with funny camera, lets hide!"
"Do ya think she saw us DAISY?"
"Na we can't see her so she can't see us"
First session done and dusted. The room was better than we had imagined and we are so thankful for it. It does have its issues as it is now 12 years old but hey its free and convenient and a life saver for us.
The photo is from the little lake in front of the building within the hospital!!
We went over to Boiths cafe yesterday to find it was shut for the day due to unforeseen circumstances" darn it. Still the store was open so we got something in.
Went back over this morning for Breakfast and it was going to stay closed all day today but they would do take outs later! Someone in there is giving it a deep clean so don't know what happened there!!
So went into Greggs for a bacon bap, not bad but not what was planned.
Now waiting fot my appointment at 2.00 before we come home.
Will catch up with your blips at the weekend.
I have a really bad lower back now, but hopefully that will ease later. Take care see you all soon.
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