
By AlsacienneAI

Improper Ideology

Dear Leader’s latest attack is on the much beloved Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, which include 21 free museums, libraries, 14 education and research centers, and a zoo. The Institution was founded in 1846 for the “increase and diffusion of knowledge.”

yesterday he issued an executive order to force the Smithsonian and its exhibits to conform to his propaganda and put VP Vance in charge: “Improper ideology” will have to go as will “divisive narratives” and he ordered Vance to get Congress to block any funding for “exhibits or programs that degrade shared American values, [or] divide Americans based on race.”

That petty, triggered white man’s order means that “divisive” and “improper ideology” is anything acknowledging how white dudes have divided America into white dudes and not white dudes. He wrote that, “Museums in our Nation’s capital should be places where individuals go to learn — not to be subjected to ideological indoctrination or divisive narratives that distort our shared history.”

It’s effing amazing to me how these people completely invert narratives to play them out to their benefit. Who, exactly, is changing history’s objective facts? Who is erasing contributions of entire segments of population? Who is rewriting history books? Who is forbidding the teaching of certain topics? Who is forbidding uttering certain words? They are! I mean… seriously: who the f..k believes this??!!

The panda in my pic is the victim of my imagery: he dares be a mix of black and white (and of Chinese origin!) in a world that this administration wants pure white

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