Woe is me

Wow, if looks could kill Audrey!!! Just been out for dinner at All Star with some of the NCT guys. Audrey was unimpressed at being kept in the highchair AFTER her tea had finished (see pic). She's been a bit moody today. That MMR jab the other day wiped her out, coupled with the never-ending teething saga.

Today has been a struggle for me too after last night's drunken antics. When the babysitter laughs at you stumbling around your own house when you get home, you know you must be inebriated! The shame!!!

Had a brilliant night though. Totally worth it.

Off to bed soon. Poor Angus is in a worse state than I am and he's working until 3am and then up again at 8am for his next shift. Now that is going to hurt!!!

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