No pram and heels

Angus was off this morning (bet he wished he'd been in work after the morning we ended up having) so we ventured into town for the Spinngfields Family event which included a screening of Toy Story in the open air.

Audrey seemed to be in an OK mood so I suggested not taking the buggy. She's walking a lot more these days and when she gets tired one of us can carry her a little way until she wants to go down again. This turned out to be a BIG MISTAKE (huge).

From the moment we got to town she seemed tired and fraught. She kept collapsing on her knees and screaming "Mummeeeeeeeeee". At one point, a client phoned (I stupidly answered) and she chose this moment to throw an all-mighty wobbler as I wasn't giving her my full attention. That cut that call short!

We wondered if she was hungry so dived into Byron and grabbed a booth. Food sated her for a while but then the tantrums started again. We quickly paid up and Angus had to all but 'man-handle' a kicking, screaming, punching toddler all the way up Deansgate back to the car.

He was tired anyway but the look on his face when we finally got her strapped in her car seat :( He's now gone to work and if she's like this this afternoon I'm not sure I can cope (I will, I always do somehow, it's just tough on my own at weekends). If I didn't know better I'd say she was sickening for something.

In conclusion, I think we will be taking the pram next time!!! Oh and to make it worse I chose today to wear stupidly high heels as wanted to look nice. Chasing tantrum toddlers in high heels is not very elegant so flats next time too!

Took this picture of her in one of her happier moments sitting in a tuk tuk in Spinngfields. Wish me luck this afternoon!

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