West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Storm Brewing

Today was a a funny day, the weather was strange, dark and threatening rain early when I left the house, brigher with blue skies later inthe day but by the time I went out this evening there was a funny feeling in the air, a strange feeling of foreboding, strange light, strange cloud formation and a wind that chilled me to the bone.

Earlier in the day I had planned to shoot a shot along the carlton suspension bridge in the city, the light was good but a shot off a few frames when a larger gentleman approached me and asked me if I had taken hos photo, I explained I was shooting the bridge I scrolled back through the shts and sure enough his more than ample frame was in th e background of the first frame. Using some anglo saxon words that made me blush I was left in no doubt as to what would happen is I chose not to delete his image, valuing my fragile knees I deleted the card and walked away a cautious glance back to make sure I was on my own.

I went to the river tonight, the coldness seeming to cut through me like a knife,I sat watching the clouds dance and roll up the river, from my rocky perch I was hidden from the passing dog walkers, alone in the bracing wind the cry of the gulls being carried away like afade out on a song and so a lyric seemed apt tonight

Comin' out of nowhere
Drivin' like rain
Stormbringer dance
On the thunder again
Dark cloud gathering
Breaking the day
No point running
'Cause it's coming your way

Ride the rainbow
Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die
Got to keep running
Stormbringer coming
He's got nothing you need
He's gonna make you bleed

Rainbow shaker
On a stallion twister
Bareback rider
On the eye of the sky
Stormbringer coming down
Meaning to stay
Thunder and lightning
Heading your way

Ride the rainbow
Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die
Got to keep running
Stormbringer coming
He's got nothing you need
He's gonna make you bleed

Coming out of nowhere
Drivin' like a-rain
Stormbringer dance
On the thunder again
Dark cloud gathering
Breaking the day
No point running
'Cause it's coming your way

I felt like the storm bringer like my presence in this beautiful place had upset the balance and the storm was coming to purge this special place. I hope the storm passes, I hope tomorrow is a better day and I hope you enjoy the shot of our river once again

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