
This was our last day in the saddle and with the sun shining on our bare arms, we cycled through the Muscadet country of Sevre et Maine. Vineyard after vineyard with the grapes hanging heavily on their stems, but not yet ready for picking.

Our route went through the small village of St Fiacre sur Maine, where 40 years ago our family exchanged houses with another in the countryside just outside the village. It was at Easter time and was very cold with some snow.
The photos taken at the time, show the children muffled up in duffle coats and Breton hats.
We made friends with the French neighbours and hosted their student son at the Edinburgh festival time that year. When he left, he gave me a present of Mrs Beeton's Cookery book. I think I got the message!

In contrast, today was hot,as we cycled on to Vertou for the accueil in a park at the side of the river Sevre a tributary of the nearby Loire, before chalking up our 45+ miles through the busy towns of Haute Goulaine and St Luce-sur-Loire back to the Permanence.

Tonight we are joining thousand of cyclists for the last dinner. We have never braved this before, but there has to be a first time and we have been told it's a very festive occasion with unlimited wine........ I can imagine! His Lordship has been well warned.
We are walking there!

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