
The rain has arrived as predicted, but not before I managed to plant my secret cache of daffodil and snowdrop bulbs this morning at 6 am in what I had hoped would be a world asleep.

But this is Edinburgh at Festival time and the city never sleeps. My immediate neighbours might have been tucked up in bed, but over the railings there was a congregation of about twenty souls sitting on the grass singing and clapping. Whether it being Sunday they were singing hymns or just rehearsing for a Fringe show, is anyone's guess, but they were still there at 9am.

There was even a tent pitched illegally under the trees. I imagine the campers thought that if the Lady Boys and the Fair could erect marquees and equipment in the Meadows, then their little tent would be invisible to the authorities.
With no facilities nearby, I imagine they were forced to become two more tree huggers.

Tonight we are raising the bar and looking forward to a Festival concert of Brahms, Schumann and Beethoven in the Usher Hall with The Scottish Chamber Orchestra. Culture has arrived at the Dower House.

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