Toadally Mad

By toadally


We had a quiet day on Friday after Thursday's driving. Mr T and I walked along to the local churchyard (which is very close to my sister's house) to visit the graves of Mum, Dad, my brother-in-law's Mum & Dad and his Aunt. All four parents were interred on the same day in December 2003 after Joyce passed on and it was a surprisingly upbeat occasion, with much reminiscing.

This time we just quietly visited, tidied up the memorial stone and laid some flowers. Not too expensive; my Mum would not have approved of extravagance. The graveyard is peaceful and beautifully kept by local volunteers.

The photos, clockwise from top left are:
The churchyard; Mum & Dad's stone; a plate & jug on Mum & Dad's dresser in my sister's house; my brother in law's family graves; flowers in my sister's garden and Mum & Dad's grandfather clock face.

Last night, late (about 11pm) we listened to two unusual birds which regularly call in my sister's garden. They sounded to me a bit like a teddy bear's squeaky tummy! I caught a glimpse of one which was fairly small, light brown, stocky, a bit bigger than a blackbird. After much googling we think they must be young little owls.

Later this moning we are driving to visit my other sister in Sussex - so today's blip (Saturday) will be from there - or somewhere on the M25!

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