Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


We are home.

Lizzie is home too, and she has green feet. Good job she is off to the groomers to get rid of the kennel stink soon! I thought she was going to take off when I went to pick her up, her tail was doing a great helicopter impression. She is full of Winalot and sausages, has been cuddled within an inch of her life, and is laid out in her favourite spot, blocking all access to the lounge.

We had a really lovely holiday, great to spend time all together with no tv to keep us in different rooms. An hour after getting home, David was off out with his mates, which is how it should be, but it makes the time we are all together more precious.

I will try to catch up with journals once I have cleared the mountain of washing that is taking up the spare room. Thank you to everyone who looked at, and took the time to comment on my holiday Blips, if I didn't get around to replying, it was because I was busy with the cheap wine x

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