
By Leslabelle

Tiffany butterfly

Weird thing happened this afternoon. I was visiting Mum in her room in her care home. Her room leads off a corridor with lots of other rooms. The door was only marginally ajar. Suddenly as we were chatting a butterfly fluttered across the room and landed on her tiffany stye lamp away in the corner of the room behind her bed.
It must have fluttered along the corridor from somewhere and picked her room to visit.
I blipped it of course and then opened the window and off it went of it's own accord straight out. (I wish flies, wasps and daddy-long-legs were so helpful).

Busy day. we went to the foodies festival at Inverleith park as i'd managed to get some freebie tickets. Managed to park relatively near and wandered along but saw the hideously enormous queue just to get into the area where everything was going on and about turned again. Think they must have given away too many free tickets as I tried to give ours to everyone I passed on the way back to the car but couldn't even give them away as they all already had some.

Had a lovely carvery meal with OH before dropping him off at work for his saturday evening shift.

A lazy time in front of Saturday evening telly follows!

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