There he is!!

Bear has started saying "cheeeeese" whenever a camera is pointed at him - cute, but I suspect it'll get irritating when I can no longer get candids of him ;) He's also obsessed with "there he is!!" playing peekaboo with whoever will pay attention - also pretty hilarious when he runs into a room and yells it at the top of his voice! He is pretty cute :) I love his "cheese" face!

Today we had a Creation Station session in the morning and thankfully the boys decided that as Aby was in her normal surroundings they were going to talk to her which was a relief. Bean got on with making a monster print, Bear helped sort of by doing big hand splats on everything and scaring me with his obsession with snipping things. He's not yet safe to let handle scissors by himself and my fingers were trying their best not to twitch as the blades got ever closer.

Played in the playpark afterwards, Bear managed to run into the path of the big swings three times and I was grateful for Hollie who has far faster reflexes than me and ran and swept him up each time. He doesn't normally run through the swing area, up until today he's been pretty good as running around them! Aargh.

Then home, to faff until dinner time, when Bean fell asleep watching his program about bubbles just as dinner was nearly ready. He could not be woken up. He sort of slightly woke up as I got his pyjamas on and took him up to bed where he told me he couldn't go to bed yet - "But mummy I've not eaten enough!" "Ok, would you like some beans and egg?" "Yes. But I need to have a little nap first." And he slept until half-past midnight when he woke and wanted something to eat! Bear on the other hand was not sleepy. Ate beans and egg, discovered the delight of squishing beans in his fist, and thirty seconds later was desperate for the gunk to be removed from his hands. Ran around in the garden for AGES, bouncing on the tampoline, swinging on the swings, riding all the ride-on toys around and around, laughing and shrieking and yelling "there he is!!" at the top of his lungs. But to his credit when we asked "do you want to go to bed?" he nodded - and went to bed very easily!

And so prepping some bits for tomorrow's market started. And ended, when the printed ran out of yellow ink and I don't have another yellow cartridge. Bother. And then Bean woke up and wanted supper, and then Bear woke up and wanted Mama, and somehow it ended up being nearly 2am when Steve came in to say he was going to bed.

When Bear woke up I went to re-settle him and ended up staying in his bed the whole night.... not because of him, but just because I fell asleep!!!

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