Difficult Day at Work!

Mr S and No 3 headed off to Dumbarton to stay over with family.

I was kid free today, so I posted a FB message to see if anyone wanted to meet up for some Festive blipping. A very dear friend and blipper immediately said 'Me!' and booked a train from Kendal to Edinburgh for the day.

We spent the day touring the streets of Edinburgh, talking cameras...we fitted in a show, a strange overpriced and under proofed orange cocktail in George Street, and cake!

A great day....and she better come back up soon as I promised her a night blip session of the bridges!

My big two girls persuaded me to go to the movies this evening to see the latest horror flick 'The Conjouring'. Seemed to be a cross between Poltergeist, Amityville, Exorcist and The Birds ! Was I scared???? Nah ! Although it may take a few days for the bite marks to disappear from the upholstery.

Oh...and I have requested the girls to sleep with mummy tonight (just in case they are scared!!!)

Here's a juggler on the Royal Mile this afternoon. In case you are concerned, he was gripping a unicycle between his thighs !

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