
By scharwenka

Return of the Garlic!


After an absence of a few weeks from our local Summertown Sunday Market, the stall of the Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight was back again this week. The exhibitors have been away at a number oof shows, and have enjoyed success, as this First Prize rosette from the Dorset Chilli Festival shows. The garlic Farm runs a second line in chillis, and they make an interesting and very tasty range of sauces that can be sampled at the market that make use of garlic and chillis and other ingredients.

But their garlic is superb, as this display shows. Just look at this magnificent huge single clove of "elephant garlic"!

Finally, here is the basis of our Sunday lunch, which we are just about to eat, from another specialist stall of local produce. Yummm! Gloucester Old Spot ...

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