
By Houseonahill6

Spitfire bird

We were up early today and down to the beach for a walk along the waters edge. The tide was a long way out so I managed to get this shot of Rosemarkie with the rocky area near the burn from some distance.
You can see the Church of Scotland on the hill. The graveyard is really interesting with graves showing the occupation of the deceased on the gravestone. This is on the site of the Church that St Boniface dedicated to St Peter.
This church was built in 1821.A class II cross slab was found dating from about the 9th century standing 8' 6" high.

We went up to Hillockhead and watched the Spitfire displaying over Fort George. Must be a thrill to pilot such a machine. This song, Spitfire, created by Public service Broadcasting uses samples from public information films and propaganda which they put together to form a video.Listen and watch here

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