The end of the holiday is nigh.
And I feel broken.
It has been great.
I thoroughly enjoyed being off line for a week.
I feel refreshed. Yet broken.
At the thought of Monday morning.
Here is a menu to the backblips:
Keeping up with the Jones
Testicular retractability
Head in the clouds
Non-gimmicky 500th because I like that shot too much and I could not be arsed writing a long thank you schpeel but I DO appreciate all your comments and feedback and slagging and banter
High octane supercharged radioactive mega TNT in-your-face stunt of the century WOW factor blip - for the adrenaline freaks only
Now, THAT's a moustache!!!
24 July: the best portrait of Mimi to date that is somehow blocked in blip-limbo, do come back to check it out or I will be offended...
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