One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Fair City

Back to Dublin the Fair City.
It feels GOOD!
I don't mean to sound negative, but I find these huge guys from the countryside quite intimidating. Just a quick look at them shovelling spuds with their bare hands or lifting building blocks between the thumb and index finger as if they were sugar cubes makes me nervous...
There is nothing like the warm welcoming smile of the local lads :)

I have always loved the lettering used for Neary's on Parnell Street.
Quintessential early 70s. And it won't be there for much longer by the look of things.
Actually, it could be there for a few more decades, judging by the state of the Irish property market... But a blip in the hand is worth two in an estate agent's speech.

Thanks a million to all of you who commented on the last week worth of backblips and for all your congratulations on the blah-500th-blah.
My personal favourite is Joyfull Reaper's great-uncle Shaun taking 40 winks outside his establishment, a pub so authentic that I hope there is a preservation order on it (as well as on great-uncle Shaun....)

I still haven't found any proper time to comment on all entries that I must have missed over the last week, I intend to do this methodically in due time (going back to work tomorrow morning ;-D )

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