The Big Shop

Earlier in the holidays the girls decided they wanted to have a day out shopping together at EK before they returned to school. Today was the day. Sophie's dad dropped them at mine and then I took them all over to EK for The Big Shop. They have all been helping out at home for the last couple of weeks to earn some money to spend. Megan had even been helping Granny out to earn extra dosh!! She managed to save £20. I think the other girls had saved round about the same. Some of us mums had a wee chat and agreed that we would match what they saved so that they all had roughly the same to spend on the day......they all seemed delighted with this.

I dropped them at 11 this morning. They were going to have something to eat while they were there and then Lara was being collected by her Mum and Dad and Anna's mum was going to collect the rest of them. When Anna's mum collected them they all ended up going down to Rachel's for a couple of hours and to have a "fashion parade".

Megan bought a lovely dress and it is really lovely on however it is a ladies dress........I have a wee bit of a dilemma with it but I have just made her try it on again and it is really nice on but ..........not sure!!! Daddy checked it as well and he is happy with it so that goes for something as he rolls his eyes every time she comes down the stairs with a pair of shorts on!! lol

The only drama was that Rachel took her bag off to try a jacket on and then left H&M and headed down the centre......she then realised her bag was still in H&M with her money and iPod!!! Fortunately she went back and it was still lucky was that??

Apart from that they all had a fabulous day and are already planning the next one!

Me.....I've taken Johnny and Katie to their swimming class, been ironing a mountain and sorting out 3 sets of school uniform! Phew, roll on Wednesday.

Vino in hand again.

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